It's not about the achievement, it's about the quiet fulfillment of a path well walked. ~ LiYana Silver
How are you walking your path? Are you focused on the ground, making sure you don't trip over branches, or are you focused on the sky? I am a weeds kind of person myself, I get stuck looking at the ground, looking for the next stumbling block. I envy those who focus on the horizon ahead.
No matter what your inclination is, we are all traveling our paths. No judgment, we all travel the way we travel. That goes for our kids, our spouses, and our friends - we are all on our own unique paths. We can help others through their journey but we cannot walk it for them, each of us is here to fulfill what we came to this plane to accomplish. Some of us choose to run really fast and some of us meander. We all eventually make it to the end.
Just a reminder to take time each day to stop, breathe, and take a look around. Do you recognize where you are, do you like it there, are you heading in a direction you want to be heading?
Look within, get quiet and listen.
I promise if you do this, your inner compass will talk to you. It's like magic, a deep knowing we all have inside of us if we are willing to block out the noise and listen.
As you travel, pay attention, see the beauty that surrounds you, listen to the rhythm of nature, flow with the energy of the Universe. Acknowledge your progress along your path, celebrate it and keep walking (or running). You're doing great.